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"[1] It is a United States-based 501(C)3 non-profit organization. Celebrating 30 years of helping you give wisely. One of their main programs involves an anthropomorphic $5 bill, named Fiveish, who is characterised by positive Jewish behaviours. +1.310.226.7887. Its so infuriating and so incomprehensible, said Harriet Goldman, a Young Israel member since the 1970s. Before letting go a volunteer, there are some steps to take before doing so, as outlined in this article. In the meantime, the Kars4Kids music ad continues to jingle on radio and TV. I have no idea how they arrived at that amount, he told The Post. Trumps tax returns could clarify a great deal about his actual income. He values at least another four at up to $25 million and a fifth at up to $50 million. The IRS Form 990 instructions state that car donation receipts should be reported at the fair market value at the time of donation, without deducting for any costs or expenses. Synagogue members say Stadler had no authority to make the 2007 deal changing its deed. Let's find out! Resolutions are statements. Good. Read the IRS instructions for 990 forms. eliyohu mintz net worth . Here are a few tips which can help better your understanding of employee retention: let candidates know exactly [], The importance of member engagement cannot be overstated. Eli Mintz is a member of Stage Actor Eli Mintz Net worth: 13 Million Some Eli Mintz images About Remembered for his Daytime Emmy-nominated role as Locksmith on the popular ABC soap opera All My Children, this Polish-born stage and screen actor also performed in Broadway productions of Catch Me If You Can and The 49th Cousin. Another $2.2 million went to salaries. A golf property can be valued much lower for tax purposes than for what it might bring in a sale. Elliot Mintz keeps his personal and love life private. Kars4Kids and Oorah share a principal officer, Eliyohu Mintz, the son of their founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, and both organizations are located at the same address in the heavily-Orthodox Jewish town of Lakewood, New Jersey. These include getting caught up as victims in an alleged Ponzi scheme related to speculating on real estate development; Oorah losing a federal lawsuit over more than $300,000 in allegedly unpaid scholarship funds; an ongoing payment dispute with the Young Israel of Eltingville synagogue that includes tax fraud allegations against Oorah; and Kars4Kids paying to settle claims of trademark infringement. Before deciding to donate your car to any charity, see CharityWatchs Tips for Donating a Car to Charity. But golf course valuation experts say there is nothing in the report to support these lofty figures. Anthony Pompliano Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki, Ashley Massengill Net Worth | Bio, Family, Address, Career, Atlas Monroe Net Worth | Age, Height, Weight, Dating And More, Beyonce S Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki, Blue Ivy Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki. Rent value for a two bedroom unit in the zip code 08701 is estimated at $1,380 a month. Working with a tightknit group of dedicated volunteers, Eliyohu developed his fathers work in the Jewish community into a network of charity programs nationwide, including Kars4Kids, a national nonprofit that funds educational and youth mentorship programs, and Oorah, a family outreach organization, where Mintz continues to serve as CEO. ProPublica posts new tax forms as they are released by the IRS. The problem is, its not true. Fortunately, Oorahs cash-based program spending percentage was 74% in 2015, which is above CharityWatchs reasonableness benchmark of 60%. Who is Elliot Mintz Dating? Trump is certainly wealthy. Follow: Joshua never gives up. We also link to copies of audits nonprofit organizations that spent $750,000 or more in Federal grant money in a single fiscal year since 2016. The TV spot has aired on popular networks such as ESPN and Fox News and has been viewed over 880,000 times on YouTube, with each play of its earworm jingle lightheartedly encouraging people to donate your car today. By now, you are probably (begrudgingly) familiar with the Kars4Kids jingle, but just how familiar are you with how Kars4Kids spends the money it makes from all those kars that get donated 4 kids? As summarized by the OAG: Kars4Kidss Form 990 thus makes its vehicle donation program appear more efficient than it is in reality, presenting the donating public with a misleading financial picture of its operations.. We have somebody on the one hand who has lawyers saying the value is less than $2 million while at the same time hes claiming its worth over $50 million, Levenberg said in an interview. The dispute is now in state Supreme Court in Staten Island. Weve got to get below the hype, Clinton said recently on NBCs Meet the Press. I think were beginning to find out, but I dont think we know enough, and thats why he should release his tax returns., Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) Car donations to charities seem like a win-win proposition. Members are what keep your nonprofit afloat, and keeping them active and interested is what can make or break your nonprofit. As he matured, so did his fundraising techniques. Fund Profile Filing Period: Top 13F Holdings Download Holdings | Login to See All Holdings | Sign up Filing. But when he wants to get taxes reduced hell tell you its worth $2.95.. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. By comparison, Kars4Kids reported spending about $17.1 million on advertising and promotion in 2015 about $150,000 more than its cash grant to Oorah. This can be extremely frustrating for every employer. Why is it part of the lefts zeitgeist to throw in their lot , The other day, the news was abuzz with the story: Al Jazeera claimed it had filed a lawsuit against Israel at the ICC. [2] Joy For Our Youth, a subsidiary of Oorah, has been labeled a "hareidi missionary organization" that uses deceptive adveritising. Rating Information Great This charity's score is 100%, earning it a Four-Star rating. This time, the resolution is a demand that Israel drop the sanctions the Netanyahu administration levied on the PA, due to terror. There are many different aspects to accountability, such as being held accountable to the donors/funders, the partners and peers, to the target audience, and to the employees. Kars4Kids certainly has a catchy advertising jingle and may be among the more financially efficient charities when it comes to processing donated cars, but ultimately it, together with Oorah, still only spent about 38% of car donation proceeds on charitable programs in 2015. He believes that this tenacity and determination to succeed by overcoming his own adversities brings unique skill sets critical to ensuring his clients get the right result. What happens when no matter what you do or say to them, they are never happy and make every meeting a chore? The Internal Revenue Service is substantially delayed in processing and releasing nonprofit filings, so documents available here may not be the most recent an organization has filed. These audits are copied from the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. By emintz2 on Monday, September 18th, 2017 in nonprofit 1 Comment. A Peek Inside the Non-Profit Sector. Described by many as annoyingand by SFGate.com as the subject of widespread, ubiquitous hate, the catchy advertising jingle for the charity known as Kars4Kids can now be heard not only on radio stations nationwide, but also on major TV networks. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. +93 20 22 34 790 info@aima.org.af. How to Make Your Organization Accountable. NEW YORK Donald Trump claims a net worth of more than $10 billion and income of $557 million. Site Management eliyohu mintz net worth First, develop certain goals that are easily measurable. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As per the title and premise of the book, its a good question. eliyohu mintz net worth. The popularity rank for the name Eliyohu was 10481 in the US in 2018, the Social Security Administration's data . More than 100 academics from across the United States have signed a letter asking the University of Chicago to stop the in-person, disruptive protest by Students for Justice in Palestine against a class taught by retired Israeli Defense Forces General Meir Elran. Oorah, which means awaken in Hebrew, specializes in outreach to non-observant Jews, operating summer camps and other programs that seek to make non-Orthodox Jews more observant, according to an October 2016 article in the Forward, which covers news for a Jewish-American audience. It is unacceptable for charities to deceive Oregon consumers, the Attorney General said in an April 15th, 2009 press release announcing the Kars4Kids settlement, which also involved claims that Kars4Kids misled donors with its offer to provide a free vacation with every car donation. Trump values nine of his golf properties at over $50 million for a total of at least $450 million. Oorah, Inc. was founded by Rabbi Chaim Mintz and is based in Lakewood. But ABC News reported earlier this month that for tax purposes, Trumps attorneys at first argued the property was worth just $1.35 million before increasing the figure to $9 million, according to ABC. Even though Kars4Kids and Oorah were victims, some donors may seriously question the judgment of Eliyohu Mintz, the principal officer of Kars4Kids and Oorah, and their other respective board members in deciding to risk donated charitable funds on real estate speculation. My Thoughts on Education. emintz2. I know Donald, Ive known him a long time and it gets under his skin if you start writing about the reasons he wont disclose his returns, said one prominent hedge fund manager who declined to be identified by name so as not to draw Trumps ire. Dating & Relationship status He is currently single. To reach this stage is not fun but the reward of hard work. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Largely self-taught, Eliyohus innate leadership qualities and marketing genius allowed him to grow Kars4Kids from a small local outfit to the nationally recognized organization and car donation program it now is. Additionally, since the vehicle processing expenses should be considered fundraising costs for Kars4Kids, if Kars4Kids had included the approximately $9.7 million in vehicle processing expenses in its reported fundraising costs for 2012-2014, the OAG notes that Kars4Kids overall fundraising and other overhead costs would have increased by more than 30%. In our opinion, Kars4Kids should be disclosing the religious nature of its organization in all of its ads, something that Kars4Kids already has been under legal scrutiny for not doing in the past. They are very confident about the opposition research. On his disclosure report, Trump lists the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester Country, New York, as worth over $50 million. Trump also claims high revenues at many of his golf properties. If Kars4Kids had reported this $9.7 million as part of its gross receipts, the overall share of revenue it reportedly spent on charitable programs in 2012-2014 would have decreased from 63% to 56%, according to the OAG. There is no dispute that Trump owns many valuable properties that contribute to a high net worth. By . Trump has a tendency to value his brand at a very high amount but these are usually intangible valuations just pulled out of thin air, said Steve Stanganelli, a certified financial planner at Clear View Wealth Advisors. In the late 1940s, he made his Broadway debut in Me and Molly. This overall score is calculated from multiple beacon scores: 90% Accountability & Finance, 10% Leadership & Adaptability. My Thoughts on Education. Dan Mintz On 1-4-1981 Dan Mintz (nickname: Dan) was born in Anchorage, Alaska, United States. The financial disclosure form showed Trump adding fresh debt of at least $50 million, though a campaign press release said Trump was using increased revenue to reduce his debt, which now stands at at least $315 million and possibly over $500 million. Therefore, although Kars4Kids may have cheaper processing costs than many other car donation charities, it still spent more on overhead than it did on programs in 2015, when just 47% of its cash budget went to programs an unsatisfactory level by CharityWatchs standards. The charity behind the Kars4Kids fundra Its "Wheels for Wishes" ads that mention "Make-A-Wish" have attracted tens of thousands of car donations, but it appears that many more of these "wheels" are for profits than for charitable wishes Its "Wheels for Wishes" ads that mention "Make-A-Wish" have attracted tens of thousands of car donations, but it appears that many CharityWatch, the CharityWatch logo, and the CharityWatch Top Rated Seal are all trademarks of CharityWatch. Orthodox Jews, who follow the traditional interpretations of Jewish law with strict observance of Jewish ritual, make up only about 10% of Jewish adults in the U.S., according to a 2013 survey published by the Pew Research Center in August 2015. But in this case, this difference was far too great, according to Dana Levenberg, the supervisor for Ossining, New York, which oversees the property. In addition to the raw summary data, we link to PDFs and digital copies of full Form 990 documents wherever possible. When going to the website address shown in the TV commercial, only by scrolling all the way down to the fine print that includes Kars4Kids copyright notation at the bottom of the page will donors eventually learn what activities their donated cars support: Your donation will benefit Kars4Kids, a national organization dedicated to addressing the educational, material, emotional and spiritual needs of Jewish children and their families [emphasis added].. Kars4Kids alone reported spending over $670,000 in legal fees in 2015, which is when it reached an agreement under the terms of a trademark infringement settlement in which Kars 4 Kids Inc. was required to make certain payments in exchange for specific trademark rights, according to its audited financial statements. He is seen as one of the most successful Radio personality of all times. [3] [4] [5] Programs [ edit] Oorah operates and/or funds 49 individual programs that target Jewish outreach ( Kiruv) and learning, family support, personal growth, and relationship counseling. Read the API documentation . About 93% of Kars4Kids cash-based program spending in 2015 was in the form of a grant to Oorah in the amount of approximately $16.9 million. The groups pay for summer camps, schools and other programs for Jewish children and families. The refusal has led to rampant speculation among Wall Street executives who have done deals with Trump that his returns would show surprisingly low income. View FREE Public Profile & Reputation for Eliyohu Mintz in Lakewood, NJ - See Court Records | Photos | Address, Emails & Phone Numbers | Personal Review | Income & Net Worth However, in many cases donated cars will be sold en masse, either by the charity itself or by a dealer to A charity that uses a donated vehicle for transportation or hauling goods obviously benefits directly from such a donation. Why Does the Left Embrace Islamist Leftists Embrace Islamist Positions? ELIYOHU MINTZ (TRUSTEE AND PRESIDENT) $47,423: BENTZION TURIN (GENERAL COUNSEL) $11,951: SHIMSHON BANDMAN . The Untold Truth About SF9 Member - Rowoon. Farouk is a supporter of ISIS who lives in Jerusalem, in Kafr Aqab. Net income $16,504,108; Notable sources of revenue: Percent of total revenue: Contributions: $107,313,885 > 100% Program services: $0: Investment income . Annual financial filings, mission statements and similar information donors care about are published online, and quarterly e-newsletters keep donors and stakeholders informed. He is not dating anyone. Farouk is a supporter of ISIS who lives in Jerusalem, in Kafr Aqab. According to a 2017 compliance review conducted by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Minnesota (OAG), over 99.9% of the $90 million raised by Kars4Kids from 2012-2014 was spent on charitable programs under the direction or control of Kars4Kids sister charity, Oorah. Even though Kars4Kids and Oorah were victims, some donors may seriously question the judgment of Eliyohu Mintz, the principal officer of Kars4Kids and Oorah, and their other respective board members in deciding to risk donated charitable funds on real estate speculation. Oorah, Kars4Kids sister charity, is the organization that actually runs the educational, developmental, and recreational programs for Jewish youth and their families described in Kars4Kids mission statement. Processing the donated cars in-house theoretically cuts down on the related overhead costs, leaving a larger portion of the car proceeds to be used on programs. Sign up to get ProPublicas biggest stories delivered straight to your inbox. Eliyohu Mintz CEO at Kars4Kids and Oorah Lakewood, New Jersey, United States 6K followers 500+ connections Join to view profile Kars4kids Websites About Since age 9, I've been involved in charity. His achievement has been a result of the rise of hard work. Ag Who is Martha MacIsaac? The financial disclosure form lists assets worth at least $1.5 billion but the ranges included are far too wide to determine anything close to a precise figure. They also say Stadler had no authority to enter into arbitration with Oorah on their behalf. Whenever Sean would visit Michael Jackson when he was a kid, Mintz would pick up Sean at the airport and drive him to Jackson's house. Since 2010 when CharityWatch last wrote about Kars4Kids and the more than $100,000 it paid related to misleading advertising claims in Oregon and Pennsylvania, news reports have identified Kars4Kids and/or Oorah in connection with additional cases involving legal accusations or other questionable financial dealings. Here, there are 25 factors and questions to ask yourself to make sure your organization [], Having a website is obviously important and vital toward your organization. That art form is expected to come under relentless scrutiny from Democrats in a general election campaign that is expected to pit Trump against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. What looks great on a desktop, often times looks off and [], How to Make Your Organization Accountable, Revolving Doors: Whats a Nonprofit To Do About Employee Turnover, 5 Tips for Asking for Different Types of Donations. After describing how car donations to Kars4Kids work, the kars4kids.org homepage does state that Kars4Kids is a registered nonprofit Jewish organization who, together with Oorah, our sister charity, help thousands of children develop into productive members of the community. But should donors have to go online to find out which kids are supported by Kars4Kids and its unforgettable advertising jingle? Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. With his rocky start as a high school dropout, you could be forgiven for thinking Eliyohu Mintz would never get far in life. He made his 18 million dollar fortune with Bob's Burgers, Mulaney, Adventure Time. gm11 925 20226 An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The charity behind the Kars4Kids fundraising campaign, J O Y for Our Youth (JOY), has spent millions on advertising to ensure the jingle is For the many people who have heard it, the catchy Kars4Kids jingle is difficult to forget. While supporting Orthodox Jewish organizations is a worthy endeavor for those donors who are intending to do so, many donors of other faiths may not be pleased to learn that the car they donated to Kars4Kids may have funded religious teachings that are in conflict with their own faith or personal beliefs. POLITICO spoke with more than a dozen financial experts and Trumps fellow multi-millionaires about the presumptive Republican nominees financial statement. Remembered for his Daytime Emmy-nominated role as Locksmith on the popular ABC soap opera All My Children, this Polish-born stage and screen actor also performed in Broadway productions of Catch Me If You Can and The 49th Cousin. David Mintz, Whose Tofutti Made Bean Curd Cool, Dies at 89 He set out to create an ice cream substitute for people who keep kosher. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Man accused of shooting Orthodox Jewish men had anti-Semitic history: feds, 2 Orthodox Jews shot outside LA synagogues, man arrested for hate crimes, Chilling video captures man firing blanks at San Francisco synagogue, Man, 26, who tossed Molotov cocktail at New Jersey synagogue arrested: feds, Cassa Hotel, office building face fines in chimney feud, Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts placed on paid leave, What's next for Buster Murdaugh after dad's murder conviction, life sentence, US home prices just did something they haven't done since 2012, How a retired detective snared his seventh 'Torso Killer' confession, It's insane that NYers can use but not buy pepper spray for self-defense: Change this now, Heather Dubrows youngest child comes out as transgender, Tom Sandoval drops out of interview amid backlash from Raquel Leviss scandal, Rebel Wilson says Meghan Markle isnt as naturally warm as Prince Harry, March 4, 1984: Martina Navratilova defeats Chris Evert at MSG, Tom Sandoval breaks silence on Ariana Madix split amid cheating claims. unread, Oct 14, 2011, 2:04:20 PM 10/14/11 . The biggest revenue generator listed on Trumps report is Trump National Doral in Miami at $132 million. A Jewish group associated with the Kars4Kids charity is trying to wrest a Staten Island synagogue away from its congregation, the synagogues members charge. Required fields are marked *. Stamford, New York. Donors should also be aware that the vast majority of those programs are for Orthodox Jewish youth outreach, and do not benefit needy kids in general. Posted by Daas Torah at 8:30 PM Email This BlogThis! Thats less money for the children in school, less money for learning.. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. A visit to the kars4kids.org/howtohelp website displayed at the end of the TV commercial is similarly vague as to how kids will benefit, simply encouraging people to take action for the 1.2 million kids [that] leave school without a diploma each year by volunteering to mentor, fundraise, advocate or run an awareness campaign. (This take action message likely is a strategic one designed for Kars4Kids to take advantage of an accounting rule that allows charities to report a portion of advertising costs as program instead of fundraising expenses.) So how to keep them engaged? Toggle navigation. Dan Mintz Facts & Wiki Where does Dan Mintz live? Nonetheless, Kars4Kids grants to Oorah still represented more than 91% of its program spending over the two-year period from 2014-2015, thereby making Jewish children the primary kids that benefit from its car donation proceeds a fact that many Kars4Kids donors likely never end up knowing. The Clinton campaign wants to portray Trumps business empire as a Potemkin Village, showy on the surface with little underneath. eliyohu mintz net worth. Therefore, the proceeds Kars4Kids generates from car donations get another hair cut when they make their way to Oorah. In the summer of 2007, 31 undocumented workers doing work for a subcontractor at Oorah's summer camp were arrested in a raid by ICE and local law enforcement. In connection with Kars4Kids failure to disclose in its ads that donated cars are used to benefit children of a specific religion, and not needy children in general, Kars4Kids paid tens of thousands of dollars in settlements to the states of Oregon and Pennsylvania in 2009. Unlike many car donation charities, Kars4Kids claims to do all of the car donation processing in house rather than through middlemen. Oorah Inc., which is funded by Kars4Kids, claims in a lawsuit that the Young Israel of Eltingville synagogue owes it $1 million, a sum the congregation says it cant afford to pay. The case against Trumps accounting of his wealth: His businesses apparently generate a lot of revenue but may not put much cash in his pocket; He assigns himself a net worth that is impossible to verify and may be based in part on fantasy; And he is selling assets and increasing debt in ways that suggest a man scrambling for ready cash. famous pastors in canada. Day-to-day operations are overseen by his son, Rabbi Eliyohu Mintz of New Jersey. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence. View new updates on Shlomo Mintz's earnings, income, bio, and facts below The Pences gave $8,923 to charity last year, the return shows. May 31, 2016 | No Comments. Everyone did. While not all of them voted in favor of the resolution, , Kenneth Marcus, Chairman, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights under Law, has a piece in Newsweek about the postponement on implementing the Executive Order on Combating Antisemitism, originally signed by Trump in 2019. But I wouldnt expect anything cataclysmic until the fall., Clinton supporters have been taunting Trump on Twitter with the #PoorDonald hashtag and Clinton herself has questioned the moguls statements about his wealth. The Guardian broke the story after conducting , UN resolutions against Israel are a dime a dozen and also meaningless because they have no force of law. There is a huge difference between that and net income. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence, in a break with Donald Trump, today released a decade's worth of tax returns. Eliyohu Mintz's Phone Number Found 6 phones: 908875XXXX 732730XXXX +1908875XXXX +1732730XXXX 732-370-XXXX +1 more; Preparing Eliyohu's profile View Eliyohu's Email & Phone (It's Free) . The charity took in $34.7 million worth of cars and land in 2014 and spent $14 million on ads promoting its 1-877 phone number, public records show. 2022-12-28 | by Eliyahu Mintz Israeli Arab Aslam Farouk has confessed to carrying out two Jerusalem bus bombings that occurred in short succession and killed two Israelis, Tadasa Tashume Ben Ma'ada and Arye Shechopek. He and his wife Hasha raised daughters named Iva and Leona. Kars4Kids low rate of program spending is also particularly concerning given that the vast majority of Kars4Kids program expenses consist of grants to its sister charity, Oorah, which runs the educational, developmental, and recreational programs for Jewish youth and their families funded by Kars4Kids, per its mission. Even with Oorahs very reasonable rate of program spending, though, once Oorahs and Kars4Kids overhead expenses are considered in aggregate, only about 38% of Kars4Kids donated car proceeds were spent on bona fide programs in 2015. Christopher Mintz-Plasse is an American actor, writer, and producer who has a net worth of $8 million. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. If you have used our data or site in your research or reporting, add credit and a link to Nonprofit Explorer in your story or publication and let us know. Thus far, Trump has proven impervious to this line of argument, backing up claims from Manafort and others that voters simply dont care about Trumps tax returns and believe that he is the fabulously successful titan he says he is. Tofutti is part of a nondairy . var _Hasync=_Hasync||[];_Hasync.push(['Histats.start','1,4553220,4,511,95,18,00000000']);_Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi','1']);_Hasync.push(['Histats.track_hits','']);(function(){var hs=document.createElement('script');hs.type='text/javascript';hs.async=true;hs.src=('//s10.histats.com/js15_as.js');(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs);})(); Nowadays, Eliyohu Mintz is the most interesting person to talk about. Eliyohu Mintz overall profits are growing every day, and he's also gaining a lot of attention from the public.
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